Chemical Addiction are a 4 piece rock band from Kilkenny and I'm going to go for it and say, they have the potential to be the best band to come from Kilkenny... which is bloody saying something!
I've been listening to Chemical Addiction for the last week and I love their sound, which takes me back to the 90's. They have a range of songs on soundcloud from some years back which I highly recommend you check out, but they also have some more recent songs available to stream from your usual provider. My favourite new track by Chemical Addiction is a song called Sour. I'm definitely getting some Alice in Chains vibes, which is really cool. From their earlier releases, I recommend listening to the songs MDMA and California Hillbilly Suicide. Two real stompers that I will be playing at house parties, for the rest of time.
Chemical Addiction feature crunching guitars combined with really impressive vocals, and they have me hooked. The vocal melodies are really catchy and I especially love the gritty, raw, dirty edge to their guitar tone, when they decide to unleash the full beast. Chemical Addiction are definitely a band you can headbang to. Check them out and before you know it, you'll be throwing your head and limbs about in a dangerous manner.
Chemical Addiction have just recently released a new single called, False Icons, and it's simply awesome, so go check it out! I can't recommend them enough and I really look forward to listening to new music, hopefully soon. I'll definitely be following them and hope to catch them live at some stage.
Check out their links below!